My friend jlord posted about her new personal website, and I loooove her weekly blogging format. I felt inspired to try adopting something similar with my personal blog!! Here goes!

  • On Monday I had jury duty at the Brooklyn Federal Courthouse. It was… pretty terrible! ๐Ÿ˜‚ It was sooooo tedious. All electronics are disallowed, and you’re not even allowed to use your phone; you have to put your phone in a phone locker as soon as you enter the building. (I thought the phone locker was kinda cute though lol.) At least I had brought my notebook and a pen… but it was sooo much waitinggg, so much standing, so much nothing to do!
  • I was potential juror #8 for a very unpleasant trial that would have lasted ~2 full weeks. Had to go through questioning from 8:30am to 5pm! Was so relieved at 5pm when I was excused from the jury!!
  • The only fun jury duty memory: At the very end, we each had to answer ~12 questions, starting with things like, what neighborhood do you live in, how long have you lived there, do you rent or own (I guess it was more like 30 questions; those 3 questions were “question 1.”). Two questions near the end were, “Where do you get your news,” “What are your hobbies,” “What streaming services do you have and what TV shows do you watch” – and the judge made you answer specifically. Like if you said something vague like, “I watch Netflix” she’d push you like, “Can you name 2 shows?” lol.
  • My answers:
    • News: NYTimes
    • Hobbies: Journaling, scrapbooking, studying korean
    • Streaming: YouTube, Netflix, Crunchyroll
    • TV: RuPaul’s Drag Race and anime
  • No one else said drag race; I wonder if that’s what got me kicked off the jury ๐Ÿ˜†
  • Two other people mentioned anime; one of the women after me (probably early 20s?) seemed like she was energized by my mention of anime and gave a really wild answer LOL, she was like, “I’m also on that Crunchyroll train, I’m watching Spy โจ‰ Family and…” the court reporter had to interrupt her like, “you’re on the what train?” ๐Ÿ˜‚
  • Couldn’t believe how tired I was when I finally got home!
  • Tips for myself if I have to go to jury duty again:
    • ๐Ÿฅฏ Eat beforehand and pack a lunch – a bagel would have been great
    • ๐Ÿ“– Take fun books & magazines
    • ๐Ÿšพ You can ask the court guy for permission to go to the bathroom during lulls in the questioning
  • On Wednesday, Davis and I went to Cafe Katja, an Austrian restaurant! We met up with my friend Klavdia who is a regular there. It was so warm and lovely! Klavdia is so wonderful and full of life. I got the wiener schnitzel which was sooo tasty, and they gave us apple strudel for dessert on the house. I loved it!!
  • Wednesday Thursday Friday were loooong days at work ๐Ÿ˜ตโ€๐Ÿ’ซ we are in crunch mode trying to get the project I’m working on ready for launch. I’m a bit nervous that we’re still writing new features when we need to be in polish & bug-fixing mode… I think it’s gonna be a busy next few weeks!
  • Friday I got coffee with Tara! I love Tara! The strawberry tea I got was also really good ๐Ÿ“
  • I also had my weekly PT on Friday like usual. I’m proud of myself for actually sticking to my exercises this go-round with physical therapy!! But I hate that progressing in physical therapy means I have to keep doing harder exercises LOL. My most hated exercise is the step up exercise box, but Dr Andrew says it’s the most effective exercise for … some muscle that I need to strengthen. It’s the worst though ๐Ÿ˜ฉ but I’m excited that I’m starting to run again, which was the goal of my PT!
  • Today it’s Saturday and it’s raaaainy. I got through a backlog of chores this morning and then Davis and I went to Grand Morelos. I got a New York Omelette ๐Ÿ˜‹ and a chocolate frosting donut with rainbow sprinkles that I haven’t eaten yet! Grand Morelos was really really good, such a homey happy place. Perfect for a rainy day!