It makes no sense that last week was still April, but today is already a week into May! I feel like we should get a free transition week between each month. Like spring break but monthly.

  • This week was mostly a blur of work! booo. I really hate it when that happens 😭 Weekends are too short for weekdays to be a blur! but to be honest I’m expecting the next two weeks to be similarly hectic. I’m hoping next week isn’t quite so busy at least.
  • I’ve been actively trying to rest and relax this weekend (ugh) (lol) (I hate resting!!) (well no I love resting) (but hate when I have to rest) (a reset is coming soon!!!)
  • Today and yesterday have been beautiful in NYC! I love how the air smells summery and I can walk outside without a jacket. Yesterday we got Joe’s Pizza and green tea ice cream from Nippon Cha next door. Perfect combo!! The green tea ice cream was so fluffy. Davis also got a yuzu lemonade which was so refreshing after pizza.
  • Aside from a few ventures outdoors to enjoy the weather, I’ve been a potato replaying Story of Season: Trio of Towns on my 3DS. I’m replaying it on “Miracle Worker” mode, which means I’m starting the game with an absurd amount of money since I had thoroughly beaten the game in my last save file lol. It’s still fun despite skipping a lot of the farming grind!
  • We also played Boomerang Fu, a game I got on sale from the recommendation of a friend. So fun!! I love the cute characters and their costumes. I also like that it’s simple enough and has enough luck involved that I can win sometimes 😆
  • Davis and I started watch Barry this week. I like it but it’s a little scarier than I thought it would be!! I feel like I have too weak a constitution for acclaimed HBO shows lol. I’ll keep watching though… for now!
  • Starting tomorrow it’s Never Graduate Week at Recurse Center! I wish my job was chill right now lol, I’d love to have a day of creative coding!! But I’ll still get to join a few talks and hopefully meet at least a few RCers remotely!
  • I got this bathrug at åland and it’s sooooo cute!! I haven’t tried it out yet. I hope it rugs well too!!